200nm Silicon Nitride Films
EM-Tec silicon nitride support films and membranes for EM
affordable, next generation silicon nitride membranes with unique frame design
20nm silicon nitride support films Ι 50nm silicon nitride support films Ι 200nm silicon nitride support films
Introduction The EM-Tec silicon nitride films are the next generation silicon nitride films and include improvements on previous generations of silicon nitride support films. They combine debris free, stress optimised engineered films on a novel hexagonal robust silicon frame which has a reference mark for to enable sample/frame location and flat micro-structured TrueGrip edges. The properties of silicon nitride enables to produce a strong, chemical resistant, carbon free, low background ultra-flat TEM support film. They are ideal for application such as nano particle imaging, quantitative carbon analysis, chemical experimentation on the support films, real-time chemical reactions and crystal growth research, thin film research, on-film cell growth and multiple microscopy research techniques. The EM-Tec silicon nitride membranes are stress optimised for each window size and film thickness using proprietary algorithms and chemistry formulations. These support films are manufactured using state-of-the-art MEMS technology to produce debris-free, clean and highly planar membranes. |
The aperture frames with their unique hexagonal shaped silicon frame has been developed to facilitate easy pickup and handling. |
Benefits of using silicon nitride membranes:
Features of the EM-Tec silicon nitride support films for EM:
* ULS = Ultra-Low Stress, LS = Low Stress Technical Support Bulletin: TSB 23-020025 Silicon Nitride Support Films & Silicon Apertures. |