Graphene Films
EM-Tec Graphene TEM support films
single, dual, 3-5 and 6-8 layers on lacey carbon and on 2000 mesh Cu gridEM-Tec graphene TEM supports on Lacey carbon | EM-Tec graphene TEM supports on mesh copper grids
Graphene sheetsThe EM-Tec graphene TEM support films are extremely thin graphene sheets supported by either lacey carbon or fine mesh copper grids. The EM-Tec graphene supports are available with single, dual, 3-5 and 6-8 layers (sheets) of graphene and cover the 3mm diameter TEM grid. Completely. The usable area of the graphene surface is approximately 75% due to some folds and wrinkles in the graphene film. The EM-Tec research ready TEM supports enable getting quicker results in the many fields of research were graphene is used. Graphene, with it's unique properties, offers a support TEM support film which is much thinner, yet more conductive than the traditional carbon support films. Even with the hexagonal structure, the contribution to the image formation signal is rather low. These properties make the single and dual layer graphene films ideal for high resolution TEM imaging, nanoparticles imaging and imaging of weak contrast specimens. The graphene used for the EM-Tec graphene TEM support films is grown on copper foil using the CVD process. The graphene is isolated by etching away the copper foil and is then transferred on the lacey carbon or the 2000 mesh grids. The result is a graphene support film with a graphene film consisting of either a single, dual, 3-5 or 6-8 layers of graphene. As a result of the manufacturing and handling processes, some unavoidable sub-micron copper or copper-chloride particles can be found across the graphene films. The sheet resistance for a single layer of graphene is 600 Ohm/sq.
Graphene on Lacey carbon |
Specifications of the EM-Tec graphene TEM support films
Product # |
# of Graphene layers |
Graphene transparency |
Graphene thickness |
Graphene support |
Open Areas |
Grid area transmission |
Grid Diameter |
AU-24-0L0010 |
1 |
96.4% |
0.35nm |
Lacey carbon/grid |
15-1µm |
49% |
Ø3.05mm |
AU-24-0L0020 |
2 |
92.7% |
0.70nm |
Lacey carbon/grid |
15-1µm |
49% |
Ø3.05mm |
AU-24-0L0040 |
3-5 |
90.4-85.8% |
1.0-1.7nm |
Lacey carbon/grid |
15-1µm |
49% |
Ø3.05mm |
AU-24-0L0070 |
6-8 |
83.2-78.5% |
2.1-2.8nm |
Lacey carbon/grid |
15-1µm |
49% |
Ø3.05mm |
AU-24-1A0010 |
1 |
96.4% |
0.35nm |
2000mesh Cu grid |
Ø6.5µm |
41% |
Ø3.05mm |
AU-24-1A0020 |
2 |
92.7% |
0.70nm |
2000mesh Cu grid |
Ø6.5µm |
41% |
Ø3.05mm |