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Peltier Cooling Stage for SEM/FIB

SKU AU-MBP80-010
Original price $0.00 - Original price $0.00
Original price
$0.00 - $0.00
Current price $0.00
Title: #N/A

Peltier Cooling Stage 80

Compact size П†42 mm + Cooling -80°C
EBSD while cooling at -80°C
Temperature control Resolution less than В±0.01degree

-40C resolution MAG=10K EHT30K
Martensitic transformation Under -80в„ѓ


High performance Lab Chiller
Under -20°C control
Temperature Controller MTC002
with inВ±0.01°C
В В 


Compact Size and Lightweight

It realizes a cooling stage of П†42 mm. It can be mounted on a compact, lightweight and compac SEM stage. Moreover, because it is lightweight, the burden on the gonio of the SEM is small, and it is possible to observe the high inclination of the stage and EBSD at ZEISS SEM-MERLIN.

Feed Through Flange and Lab Chiller

Feed Through Flanges are used for energizing cables, temperature measuring cables. You can pass a dedicated cable according to the mechanism. Flannel shape according to flanger shape of each company FIB-SEM.

SEM Stage Specification

в—Џ cooling sem stage spec.

Cooling stage size : 38 X 40 X 26 (mm)
Weight : 125g
Sample stage size 10.5X15.5(mm)
Cooling control range: +20C(RT) to -80C
(with Lab chiller and Temp. controller)
Thermal censor : Pt100
(It is installed directly under the sample stage)

Include Feed through of your SEM/FIB

в—Џ MTC-002 Temp. controller spec.

Controller size
Weight : 2754g
Control resolutionпјљ В±0.005C

в—Џ Lab Chiller spec.

Lab Chiller size:266X365X420(mm
Control temp: Ultimate temp. 0C
(The temperature control of the stage makes
the reached chiller temperature different.)